Lots of news from Lookout Lavender Farm including uPick dates

I know we’ve been MIA for the last couple of weeks, but the lavender has put us in a holding pattern. The late freeze in April really slowed down the blooming of the lavender plants and we’ve been patiently waiting and watching.
But that being said, we now have dates for our uPick in the Lavender Field. Mark your calendars. The open dates will be as follows:
Tuesday, June 15 11 am – 4pm
Wednesday, June 16 11 am – 4pm
Thursday, June 17 4pm – 8pm (evening hours)
Friday, June 18 11 am – 4pm
Saturday, June 19 11 am – 4pm
Tuesday, June 22 11 am – 4pm
Wednesday, June 23 11 am – 4pm
Thursday, June 24 4pm – 8pm (evening hours)
Friday, June 25 11 am – 4pm
Saturday, June 26 11 am – 4pm
There is a chance we will schedule another uPick on Saturday, June 12 if the blooms are ready.
During our bloom time, there is a $5 fee for entrance to the field for those over 12 years old. Picked bundles are $7 each.
On another (sad) note, it looks as though we won’t be able to have a blueberry uPick this year. That same late freeze zapped the blossoms and we lost much fruit. This dry spell we are having currently isn’t helping either!
Please send us a note at alice@lookoutlavender.com if you have any questions. We love our LOL visitors and we hope you will give us an opportunity to see you again this year.
Lots of love from LOL farm!
Alice Marrin