Planting Instructions

At Lookout Lavender Farm, we sell two types of lavender listed below:
Lavandins (Lavandula Intermedia) – These aromatic plants will grow larger in size and should be planted at least 3-4 feet apart.
Bridget Chloe Grosso
Gros Bleu Phenomenal
Lavandula Angustifolia – Used for culinary purposes, these plants tend to be smaller in size and darker in bloom color. They are less pungent and more floral scented and thus are more suitable for cooking. Angustifolias should be planted 24 inches apart.
Big Time Blue Folgate
Hidcote Royal Velvet
Lavender grows best in well-drained, sunny locations with at least 6 (but preferably 8) hours of sunshine a day. Plant distance wise according to the variety chosen.
Lavendins (intermedias) – allow 3 feet between plants
Angustifolias – allow 24 inches
Keep watered until the plant takes root and starts to perk up and grow– usually a month to 6 weeks. Make sure the ground is not staying soggy – if so, back off watering a little. Once you start to see new growth, you know that the roots are getting established and it’s ready to take off.
After it is established, water only during periods of dry weather. Our area rain is usually sufficient unless we are in a dry spell. Lavender planted in large pots and barrels may need additional water as that they dry out quicker.
For best results, add limestone to your planting soil to raise pH and to increase drainage.
Best of luck and enjoy your lavender!
© Lookout Lavender Farm LLC, 2021